Friday, March 7, 2014

Where Do I Start if I Know I Want a Pool?
This is a huge question that anybody looking for a swimming pool has. When you think about starting the process it seems overwhelming with all the questions you have. This is a question we hear all the time and for good reason. Even though there can literally be hundreds of questions to ask, I am going to focus on a few things that really determine what I feel is the absolute basics of where to start.
How are you going to pay for your pool? Are you able to pay cash? Are you thinking about putting your pool on a credit card? Most people are looking to obtain some type of financing. A few years back with the housing market booming along everybody could get a second mortgage or credit line to pay with. With the bubble popping it is not so easy anymore. If you have not checked with your local bank I would suggest doing so before you spend a lot of time and effort only to find out you can’t obtain financing. You can find more financing information on our web site here:

Plot plan
What is a plot plan you might ask? It is basically a drawing of your property showing any structures, easements, set back lines, and restrictions. You have to have a plot plan available to do any drawings for permit applications. Typically this document is found in the pile of  paper work that you signed when you bought your property.
This is an issue that effects just about everyone in some way. You will need to have your utilities marked so you can determine where you can put a pool. Phone and cable lines can be moved fairly easy and and are not typically a big deal. You can talk to your local provider about how they go about it. Electric lines are the big story. National Electric codes call for any overhead electric lines to be minimum 10 feet from the edge of a pool. Underground lines have to be 5 feet from the edge of the pool. If you determine that the lines will be to close to where you want to put your pool they can be moved. The cost is not cheap and will be mostly determined by what your local utility will charge you. We handle calling the utilities for you once your first deposit payment has been made.
This might seem like the obvious, but if you have not checked with your homeowners insurance it might be a good idea. Most insurance companies have requirements for safety measures that need to be met. Although cities, towns, and even counties and townships will require safety measures that will meet insurance requirements in the rare case they might not. It’s a good idea to check just to be safe.
 Homeowners Associations
This is not one we run into a lot, but more than what you would think. We have had projects that could not happen because the association would not approve it. Permits and plans can be approved through the local city, town, and county but not the homeowner association and your pool plans shut down. Check to save yourself some frustration.

If you check these things first you can save some frustration down the line when you really get into the planning stages of your pool.

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